Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Put my business on Facebook

Google: "Put my business on Facebook"

This is a very popular search phrase on Google. When you are ready to put your business on Facebook, to gain exposure to nearly a billion people, make sure you set up your business Facebook site properly. Facebook is built to be the best way to get local exposure to your business, in a hurry.

To sell a product or service, in your local area, you need to start with exposure, build an audience, while winning their trust, be seen as the authority, then provide them with the services or products that they need. Your presence on Facebook is critical. As more and more people use Facebook, more than any other website on the internet, don't try to drag them to your website - You should go to where THEY are. Go to them. 

The best place to be guided properly in setting up your business site on Facebook is through the experts in social media marketing - 3Q Social Marketing

Contact us today at:
Topics include:
How to put my business on Facebook
Social Media St George
Social Media Utah
Social Media southern Utah
Facebook St George
Facebook for Business
Facebook for Business St George
Proper business set-up on Facebook


 (435) 625-1795 

Monday, December 05, 2011

St George Social Media.

The #1 social media company in St. George, Utah, and beyond, is 3Q Social. The use of social media for gathering fans and marketing is much more than a fad. The advent of social media, as we know it today, has proven to be one of the largest pivot points in the use of the internet, since the start of the world wide web. Dominating the internet as the number one activity online, even ahead of gaming and all other sites, social media portals, like Facebook, receive the most amount of traffic and time of nearly a Billion people.

The creative team at 3Q Social has been in the web industry for 15 years, the marketing industry for 10 years, and social media since it began. We have the talent to provide all of the technical aspects of creating the social media presence for your business as well as a creative approach to gathering, growing and working with your target audience.

Contact 3Q Social on Facebook at
or by calling (435) 625-1795

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

BATH BONE For Dogs - Press Release

What is the secret to a hassle-free bath for you dog?

BATH BONE™ For Dogs is a new product available to help you save money and wash your dog at home, using a secret of the professionals. Dog groomers stay busy doing the tedious, messy work of bathing dogs, because the general public does not know what the groomers know. With the proper pet supplies, you too can take the hassle and mess out of bathing your dog. 

There is a "psychology for dogs" trick utilized in the BATH BONE™ device, that you have to see to believe. Visit to see a unique pet product for dogs that makes washing your dog at home a breeze. 

Less mess, a quicker bath, a cooperative and more obedient dog, along with many other benefits come from this remarkable new dog washing product. Visit the site for more information and to consider a purchase at an introductory price. 

The BATH BONE™ makes a great gift to pet lovers. Dog owners who are looking to save a little money without adding the stress and headache that normally goes along with grooming your own dog at home, will absolutely love the BATH BONE™ For Dogs. Don't waste another day paying for a groomer (who is using a similar product to make their life easy), when you could do it yourself right at home. Keep your dog clean and healthier at you bathe, comb, trim, clip and otherwise take care of your beloved pet with the patented BATH BONE™ For Dogs.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bath Bone For Dogs - Dog Bath - Dog Bathing - Dog Products

Dog owners, save money on pet grooming and bathing. If you are looking to switch from using a dog grooming service, to taking care of your dog at home, consider buying the Bath Bone. The Bath Bone is made for Dogs and uses "pet psychology" to settle your dog down to a calm state so that it's much easier to bathe your dog at home. With a down economy, many are looking for ways to save, and this is definitely a great way to save a little extra cash, with the Bath Bone For Dogs. When you're ready to make your purchase, visit

Bath Bone is meant for dogs. Please do not leave your pet unattended when using the Bath Bone product. Follow the instructions and begin saving money today. Keep your dog clean & healthy, right in the comfort of your own home. 

Visit today!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

St George Embraces Social Media

St. George, Utah is not behind the times when it comes to embracing current technology and trends. Many small to medium sized businesses in the area have responded to the clear move of world-wide big business into the realm of social media as a form of marketing and customer service. "Now the little business owners can be on the same playing field as the big boys in big business," (Joe W.) one small business owner stated when asked if he was going to put his business on Facebook. "Facebook is a great place to connect to your customers, a great place to speak to your customers, to handle problems that come up and a good place to reward loyal clients."

The trend to put your business on Facebook is clear and visible. "Just go to the movies, in the previews before the movie you see trailers for upcoming movies and at the end of each trailer it says, 'Like us on Facebook'." Joe said, "Nearly half the commercials on TV now push you to Like their Facebook site." The reason this trend is still going and growing in popularity is simply because of the numbers. Facebook now has over 750 million people, using their site, checking in several times a day to keep tabs on their family, friends, and even local places that they do business with. If you have not yet put your business on Facebook, do not hesitate another minute. The average person on Facebook only "Likes" (or connects to) about 30 - 40 businesses. You probably want to be one of the Business pages that the people in your community likes, and every day that you don't have a presence in social media, is another day that you're allowing your competitors to take market share.

Chad Hammett
3Q Social Marketing

 Chad Hammett
 (435) 313-1795 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Move to southern Utah, Relocate to southern Utah. St. George, Washington, Ivans, Hurricane Real Estate - Nate Shaw

Southern Utah is a beautiful, peaceful place to live. Living in St. George or the surrounding areas brings a peace and tranquility like no other.

With low crime rates and nice people in the community, there's no better place to raise a family or retire. If you love to golf, hike, or camp, do it in the most beautiful place around, Southern Utah.

When considering moving to southern Utah, call Nate Shaw, Real Estate Agent. Nate Shaw is experienced and tuned into the local southern Utah area.

Nate grew up in Hurricane and currently resides in St. George with his family. No one knows St. George and the surrounding areas of southern Utah like Nate Shaw. Give him a call today to discuss the opportunities and available housing in southern Utah. Relocate to the best kept secret of the mountain time zone, relocated to southern Utah!

Find Nate Shaw Real Estate on Facebook

Southern Utah Real Estate

Homes for Sale in Southern Utah
Nate Shaw - ERA
(435) 229-2365

ERA Brokers Consolidated
201 E St. George Blvd. 
St. George, UT 84770
Fax: 435-628-3270

St. George Facebook for Business

If you have a business that needs a Facebook page, look no further than 3Q Social Marketing. 3Q Social is the most experienced Social Media company in southern Utah. 3Q has 15 years of web experience, 10 years of marketing experience, before they turned their focus to Social Media growth. They offer service levels starting with Set up for Do-it-yourselfers - all the way to 3Q Social doing it all for you. 

Facebook for business in St. George, Utah is found at 3Q Social Marketing.

Visit them on Facebook at

Contact 3Q Social Marketing today.

St. George, Santa Clara, Washington, Ivans, Hurricane, connecting all of southern Utah in the new media of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogging, Google, Google Places and more.

Choose the right social media marketing company, 

3Q Social Marketing
Chad Hammett
Social Marketing Strategist

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

St. George, Utah - Social Media for Business

St George, Utah - Social Media for Business

Businesses are becoming more aware of the fact that they are going to have to get on board with Social Media.

Having a company website is a great way to legitimize your business, but if you do not have social sites set up, and aren't applying a professional marketing strategy, then you're missing the conversation.

Business doesn't come from Business Cards, business doesn't come from a billboard, and for many industries business doesn't come from having a website. Business comes from conversation, it comes from people spreading the word that you exist, & that you do a good job! Let 3Q Social Marketing put your business where the people are. Where they're talking. See what they're saying -

Call (435) 625-1795
3Q Social

Saturday, June 18, 2011

St. George Utah Social Media Marketing - Facebook for Business

Do you need a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Blogging for you business? Would you like to finally step into the arena of today, the social online community, where over 600 million people live? A website alone is like a billboard on a street that no one is driving down, Facebook is the neighborhood everyone lives in. If you need a boost in your business through the door - if you need a better way to connect with friend and clients, and their friends, you Must have a social media presence for your business.

3Q Social Marketing is southern Utah's best Social Media Marketing & Management company, already servicing businesses with social sites from St. George & surrounding areas to Hurricane, to Cedar City. Join the evolution of marketing for your business today. It can be more affordable than you think.

Contact 3Q Social Marketing today.

St. George, Santa Clara, Washington, Ivans, Hurricane, connecting all of southern Utah in the new media of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogging, Google, Google Places and more.

Choose the right social media marketing company, 

3Q Social Marketing
Chad Hammett
Social Marketing Strategist

Follow @3Qsocial on Twitter

Have a question about how we can help you?
  Chat with 3Q Social

St. George Utah Social Media Marketing - 3Q Social Marketing

Do you need a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Blogging for you business? Would you like to finally step into the arena of today, the social online community, where over 600 million people live? A website alone is like a billboard on a street that no one is driving down, Facebook is the neighborhood everyone lives in. If you need a boost in your business through the door - if you need a better way to connect with friend and clients, and their friends, you Must have a social media presence for your business.

3Q Social Marketing is southern Utah's best Social Media Marketing & Management company, already servicing businesses with social sites from St. George & surrounding areas to Hurricane, to Cedar City. Join the evolution of marketing for your business today. It can be more affordable than you think.

Contact 3Q Social Marketing today.

St. George, Santa Clara, Washington, Ivans, Hurricane, connecting all of southern Utah in the new media of social sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogging, Google, Google Places and more.

<em>Choose the right social media marketing company - Choose&nbsp;<strong>3Q Social Marketing!</strong></em><strong> </strong>

<strong>Southern Utah's Best Social Media Marketing Company

St. George &amp; Surrounding Areas. Washington, Hurricane, Cedar City. </strong>

<strong>3Q Social Marketing</strong>

<strong>Chad Hammett</strong>


<strong>Social Marketing Strategist</strong>

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Social Media Management & Social Media Marketing - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube - Business Pages.

Need a Blog for your business? Need a YouTube page for your business?

Need a Facebook page for your business? Need a Twitter page for your business?

There is no better place to have all of these social needs met than with 3Q Social Marketing. Social Media and Social Marketing is the best way today to build relationships with potential customers online. Sure, you can set up your own facebook business page, but without the professional application of a social media marketing strategies, you will find yourself spinning your wheels, wasting time on trying to master an advanced skill that is best left to the professionals. Have a professional social media manager take care of your weekly or daily communications and posts from your social sites, and you will have time to get back to what you do best - Your Business!

3Q Social Marketing

(435) 625-1795

Sunday, June 05, 2011

3Q Social Marketing is the best place to have manage your social media sites. 3Q Social Marketing is experienced and can turn your clients and their friends into "Fans"! Social Media Management is now the best way to advertise & grow any business. The time has come to grow your business using social media. Social Media is where the people are, and 3Q Social Marketing is where you should start to give your business the boost it needs!