Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Batman & Superman fish tales...

Recent sketching exercise.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I enjoy exploring/drawing in the different styles that come along. The unfortunate side of being a graphic designer for multiple clients is that you are requested to draw in anyone's style (for different projects). I say its unfortunate because it takes away from the time you would spend further developing your own style. Because my "style" evolves so often, it is hard to pin-point a style that I consider representative of me.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Another day, another drawing...

Random sketches on a piece of paper, scanned together, colored in photoshop.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

More Sketchercize!...

This blog has really gotten my butt into gear with drawing. I hope I don't burn out the light on my scanner! These two drawings are from one of my kid's books. I flipped through a book we bought for the kids and saw these cool pics, so I sketched them in ball point pen. I was watching tv at the time. I never really draw under ideal circumstances (i.e.- a well lit or comfortable place). I usually draw on a clipboard balanced on my knee in the car, or in a doctors office, or in "my chair" as we're watching the news at night. Its usually dark in the room and my attention is usually split a million different directions. I should do better than that.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


More sketch exercises...

Friday, March 24, 2006

The "Real" Fred

This time I was trying to draw Fred Flintstone. I don't know why. I guess it is because everytime I see my Caveman below, I hope people don't think it was my best attempt at Fred.

Quick sketch...

Another sketch while sitting in a doctor's office. I do a lot of sketching while sitting and waiting. I carry a clipboard and blank copy-machine paper pretty much everywhere I go. I decided some time ago that if I bought art sketch pads for all of my doodles, I wouldn't be able to afford to buy all the sketch pads I would need to keep up with my doodles, so I just draw on cheap copy-machine paper. Its less than $3 for 500 blank sheets and the clipboard was a buck.

Girl in Red Dress...

This is my quick sketch of a photo from the Drawing Board blog. It was fun. I should have slowed down and taken more time on it, but I was in a hurry. It was late at night.

Draw all the time...

I am trying to keep up the drawing, all the time. When I am on the phone, I am drawing, when I am watching tv, I am drawing, when I am anywhere, I'm drawing. I have another I'll upload in a minute. Having this blog has really helped me keep up the drawing, and when I am drawing I spend more time with my kids. We sketch stuff together.

I wanted to add a comment that this caveman dude is not supposed to be Fred Flinstone, I just drew a cavedude in the style, sort of. Maybe it is a neighbor that we never met on the show.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

My daughter's drawing...

Here is my daughter's drawing. She loves to draw almost as much as I do. She will be a wonderful artist one day. Here is a special message from her to a friend - "Hi Danielle, I hope you are having fun in Colorado." & "Hi Shelby, this is my artwork on the world wide web. I hope you are having a fun time at soccer and at home."

My son's Logo

Here is my son's experiments with a logo. He wants to have his own logo for his drawings. I haven't really taught him any theory in making a logo, but he's off to a good start on his own. Good job!

My son's artwork

This is the one my son drew. I like the fingers. He's a pretty creative little fellow. He wants to start his own blog soon. I'm going to help him participate in Illustration Friday soon. He wants to develop his artistic skills. It will be interesting to see the progress.

Cartoon for profile...

Today I had a minute to add a cartoon for my picture profile. I have a few pages of drawings I'll be adding shortly. I'll go ahead and add my little superman logo and a drawing my son did recently.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I found a few more old sketches

A few more old sketches, just to get "on the board".

I really am drawing...

I just haven't had time to scan any new drawings yet. I try to draw every day. I am one of those people with sketches all over everything around the house. I draw on old bills or any kind of mail laying around. I draw all over the place. I'll see if I can upload some old artwork too.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Computer Update

I was finally able to get an updated system! YeeHaa! I bought an iMac 20" and it is fully loaded. I'm loving this machine, it is awesome! Now I need to focus on getting my website updated - and start getting some artwork on this blog.