Saturday, February 25, 2006

Drawing more...

I've been drawing more lately and I plan to upload the sketches ASAP. I am still learning to use this blogger system. I wanted to add a link to for backing up artwork. We'll see how that goes. OK, it seems to work.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Still fine tuning...

I am still working on fine-tuning my blog. More artwork will come soon. For now, I am trying to upload a little vector art (self portrait) I created a while back. ... .... I guess it isn't going to work for now. My browser cannot seem to get the upload to work. I'm buying a new computer soon, I'll upload it then.

Day Two or Month Two?

The last month was a busy one. I made a trip to North Carolina for my Mother's 60th birthday. It was a good trip but on the way back I became air-sick and it lasted for 24 hours after I landed - not fun.

The time has come to get a new computer. I've had this one for 7 years now. I've upgraded it as much as I can and now I'm ready for more Ghz speed. I've been checking out the new iMac and I like what I see.

Illustrations are on the way!